ABTC Accelerates Tonopah Flats Lithium Project to Boost US Battery Supply Chain

ABTC accelerates the Tonopah Flats Lithium Project, launching a drill program and planning a lithium hydroxide refinery to expand US supply.
American Battery Technology Company(ABTC)

Advancing Lithium Resource Development in Nevada

American Battery Technology Company (ABTC) has launched a drill program to advance its Tonopah Flats Lithium Project (TFLP) in Big Smoky Valley, Nevada. The project holds an estimated 21.2 million metric tonnes of economically accessible lithium carbonate equivalent, positioning it as a key domestic lithium resource for the US battery industry.

The drilling initiative will support the prefeasibility study, providing geotechnical data to define the mine pit structure. Additionally, core samples will be collected for assay and characterization, further refining the lithium resource estimate. This program aims to expand TFLP's overall lithium potential, reinforcing its role in the North American EV supply chain.

On-Site Lithium Hydroxide Refinery to Lower Production Costs

ABTC plans to construct a lithium hydroxide refinery directly at the TFLP site, targeting a 30,000 t/yr production capacity. The company's production cost for battery-grade lithium hydroxide is projected at $4,302 per tonne, offering a cost-effective supply solution for electric vehicle (EV) and energy storage manufacturers.

With the US government prioritizing domestic lithium production, the TFLP project aligns with federal efforts to reduce reliance on foreign lithium imports. By accelerating development, ABTC strengthens Nevada’s position as a critical hub for battery minerals processing in the United States.

As lithium demand surges, ABTC's strategy to integrate mining and refining at Tonopah Flats could set a benchmark for sustainable lithium production while ensuring a stable supply chain for US battery manufacturers.

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